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From Twitter

14 December 2024
Pest management
Early detection of hitchhiking pests requires the identification of strategic entry points via transport. Our INRAE team has developed a framework for achieving this in continental Europe for the Japanese beetle. Human-mediated dispersal ha...
05 August 2024
Pest management
Pupils from class 2D had a good intuition! In fact, the Fungzuka device is being tested by CREA's researchers since summer 2023. The "Fungzuka" is an "Attract-Infest-Release" device that is conceived to bring adult Popillia japonica insects in c...
10 July 2024
Citizen Science
In recent months, the IPM Popillia Consortium has collaborated with SPOTTERON to create informational and dissemination materials about the invasive Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), which has been spreading across Europe for several years. R...

Interactive map of the Japanese beetle's invasion in Continental Europe (2015-2024)

The following map shows the dynamics of the ongoing invasion of the Japanese beetle in Continental Europe. This current version (V4, February 2025) includes regions Piedmont, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Valle Aosta, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Veneto and Liguria (Italy) and Ticino, Valais and Zurich (Switzerland) over the period 2015-2024. ...
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  170 Hits
170 Hits

Wrapping up the Project: Achievements have been made by PESSL

Pessl Instrument GmbH(PESSL)  Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for more than 40 years, developing a range of devices for measuring and monitoring various agricultural parameters. As one of the leading IoT providers in agriculture, PESSL offers innovative, cost-effective solutions for more effic...
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  516 Hits
516 Hits

General Assembly of the IPM Popillia Project in Ponta Delgada, Azores

IPM_GA_2024_Group_Foto IPM GA 2024 Group Photo
 The scenic city of Ponta Delgada, Azores, became the meeting point for Europe's foremost researchers and professionals involved in the IPM Popillia project. This two-day General Assembly, held on the 12th and 13th of September, 2024, focused on the ongoing efforts to develop effective Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies for controllin...
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  721 Hits
721 Hits

A review of the progress made by PESSL V

20240805_095321_ne_20240812-104837_1 Popillia japonica captured on a sticky plate in Azores, Portugal
PESSL INSTRUMENTS GmbH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 40 years and has developed various devices for measuring and monitoring different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm management. Par...
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  918 Hits
918 Hits

Information sheet on Popillia japonica published for the Ticino region

ticino_sheet_cover Map background: CC BY-SA 3.0 Tschubby,
During the IPM-Popillia project, the Phytosanitary Service of the Canton Ticino has created an information sheet on the Japanese beetle with the following contents: Recognizing the Japanese beetle (adult and larva)BiologyCheck for presence of the beetleAid to the fightPossible confusionsHow to report your observations´Here you can find the PDF as D...
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  1091 Hits
1091 Hits

Time to prepare for the insects: Ready Your iSCOUT® Traps!

Have you already placed your iSCOUT® traps on the field? Insects are emerging to feast on your crops. It is best to stay vigilant and use the iSCOUT® electronic traps for the remote monitoring of the important insects that affect your fields.Dust off your traps and get your fresh glue boards!Change your sticky platesChange the camera lensClean the ...
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  996 Hits
996 Hits

Emerging Collaborations in the IPM Citizen Science App

First IPM Citizen Science App Collaborations
To increase the reach and sustainability of funding, the IPM-Popillia Citizen Science App Toolkit can open up collaboration with other research or monitoring projects regarding controlled pest species or invasive species. First talks have been held with the REACT Horizon 2020 project about two invasive fruit fly species, and EASIN, the Eu...
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  1312 Hits
1312 Hits

General Assembly and ECE in Heraklion 2023

imageheader3 group picture of the attendees
From October 18–20, 2023, members of the IPM Popillia consortium came together in Heraklion, Greece, for the yearly General Assembly of the IPM Popillia project. The event provided the possibility of gaining insight into and learning about the progress and developments made in the different interdisciplinary work packages of the project. At the sam...
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  1630 Hits
1630 Hits

How polyphagous is the Japanese beetle? Spoiler: over 400 host plants!

We thought it would be useful to update the list of P. japonica host plants. In this respect, the dataset deposited by Tayeh et al. (2023) serves two purposes: (1) to provide a list of the host plants of Popillia japonica via a comprehensive review of the scientific literature; (2) to classify these host plants as main or secondary host, based on t...
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  1415 Hits
1415 Hits

A review of the progress made by PESSL IV

PESSL INSTRUMENTS GmbH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 38 years and has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm manage...
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  1508 Hits
1508 Hits

Open- day at CREA

Today 20th December 2022,  some students from the University of Florence and Pisa come to visit CREA @CREAricerca in an Open-Day program. We talked about the answers that Research can provide to the new challenges in agriculture, our works and, of course, the IPM-POPILLIA project.
  1382 Hits
1382 Hits

A review of the progress made by PESSL III

 PESSL INSTRUMENTS GmbH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 38 years and has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm ...
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  1821 Hits
1821 Hits

A review of the progress made by PESSL II

iScout installation in Italy iScout installation in Italy
PESSL INSTRUMENTS GmbH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 38 years and has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm manage...
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  1990 Hits
1990 Hits

Effects of test treatments on P. japonica gene expression

In collaboration with colleagues from CREA (Florence), we have treated popillias with three experimental control protocols that appear as promising candidates in their hands. Treated popillias have been snap frozen for molecular analysis. In the next months we will evaluate the effects of different treatments in terms of gene expression. With these...
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  2003 Hits
2003 Hits

Field work for an economist

Field work
Definitely not my ususal workweek! I am an economist at the Technical University of Munich, usually sitting in an office with a computer and conducting research there. But not this time… As I am part of the IPM Popillia project, which consists of an interdisciplinary research team, I was invited by our partner Agroscope to join them in th...
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  1630 Hits
1630 Hits

Azorean field work between islands

Picture2 Between islands
Having field work on different islands of an archipelago is a peculiarity to which the IPM Popillia team of the University of the Azores has got used to. We are currently working with Popillia from São Miguel Island, where we are actually based, and from São Jorge Island. Last October, our team traveled a two-flight trip in order to perform efficac...
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  1828 Hits
1828 Hits

Frontiers in Insect Science launches Research Topic on Popillia

One of the world's leading open science platforms puts a focus on Japanese Beetle research! Frontiers has launched the research topic "Focus on Popillia japonica" in its Open Access Journal "Frontiers in Insect Science". The aim is to compile the latest findings in P. japonica research in one special issue, which will be a key resource of knowledge...
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  1926 Hits
1926 Hits

Localization and order recognition improvement for the Japanese beetle

PESSL INSTRUMENTS GMBH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 37 years and has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm manage...
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  2541 Hits
2541 Hits

Learning about Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Citizen Science

SPOTTERON Citizen Science App Design
One of the beautiful things in developing #CitizenScience Apps on @SPOTTERON for research projects is that we always learn something new. In every App project, making inquiries about the topic, scope, and science is crucial for designing the data structure input dialogue and the look & feel of a new Citizen Science App on the platform. Integrat...
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  1698 Hits
1698 Hits

A day in the field

Mottalcia Picture by Mathias Hess
To continue with experiments in the lab, we needed more Japanese beetle larvae, a lot more. So we decided to go on a field trip on the 7th of December 2021.   It was the first train of the day which took me to Agroscope where we headed off to Mottalciata, Piedmont region. With two cars and seven people, we left freezing cold Switzerland in hop...
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  1683 Hits
1683 Hits