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From Twitter

14 December 2024
Pest management
Early detection of hitchhiking pests requires the identification of strategic entry points via transport. Our INRAE team has developed a framework for achieving this in continental Europe for the Japanese beetle. Human-mediated dispersal ha...
05 August 2024
Pest management
Pupils from class 2D had a good intuition! In fact, the Fungzuka device is being tested by CREA's researchers since summer 2023. The "Fungzuka" is an "Attract-Infest-Release" device that is conceived to bring adult Popillia japonica insects in c...
10 July 2024
Citizen Science
In recent months, the IPM Popillia Consortium has collaborated with SPOTTERON to create informational and dissemination materials about the invasive Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), which has been spreading across Europe for several years. R...

Young minds got it right!

hF_HrFme Fungzuka device
Pupils from class 2D had a good intuition! In fact, the Fungzuka device is being tested by CREA's researchers since summer 2023. The "Fungzuka" is an "Attract-Infest-Release" device that is conceived to bring adult Popillia japonica insects in contact with the spores of an entomopathogenic fungus and let them fly away carrying with them their ...
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  1075 Hits
1075 Hits

New insights in Popillia japonica life

IPM_Header_04_D_20230703-191929_1 New insights in Popillia japonica life
In the past months many field trials and lab experiments gave their results, and they are good results! In our lab, we found that a family of molecules called "saponins", that are naturally present in alfalfa plants, have a significant antifeedant and insecticidal effects on Popillia. Basing on this molecules, it will be possible to devel...
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  1724 Hits
1724 Hits

Open- day at CREA

Today 20th December 2022,  some students from the University of Florence and Pisa come to visit CREA @CREAricerca in an Open-Day program. We talked about the answers that Research can provide to the new challenges in agriculture, our works and, of course, the IPM-POPILLIA project.
  1422 Hits
1422 Hits

Natural allies against Popillia japonica: Entomopathogenic fungi

Metarhizium robertsii strain 17/T02
Entomopathogenic fungi are micro-organisms naturally occurring in the environment, most of all in soil. They are natural parasites of insects that proliferate killing their host. Metarhizium is one of the most used ones in biological control. The CREA team has isolated a Metarhizium robertsii strain called 17/T02 ...
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  2221 Hits
2221 Hits