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From Twitter

14 December 2024
Pest management
Early detection of hitchhiking pests requires the identification of strategic entry points via transport. Our INRAE team has developed a framework for achieving this in continental Europe for the Japanese beetle. Human-mediated dispersal ha...
05 August 2024
Pest management
Pupils from class 2D had a good intuition! In fact, the Fungzuka device is being tested by CREA's researchers since summer 2023. The "Fungzuka" is an "Attract-Infest-Release" device that is conceived to bring adult Popillia japonica insects in c...
10 July 2024
Citizen Science
In recent months, the IPM Popillia Consortium has collaborated with SPOTTERON to create informational and dissemination materials about the invasive Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), which has been spreading across Europe for several years. R...

Wrapping up the Project: Achievements have been made by PESSL

Pessl Instrument GmbH(PESSL)  Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for more than 40 years, developing a range of devices for measuring and monitoring various agricultural parameters. As one of the leading IoT providers in agriculture, PESSL offers innovative, cost-effective solutions for more effic...
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  581 Hits
581 Hits

A review of the progress made by PESSL V

20240805_095321_ne_20240812-104837_1 Popillia japonica captured on a sticky plate in Azores, Portugal
PESSL INSTRUMENTS GmbH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 40 years and has developed various devices for measuring and monitoring different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm management. Par...
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  981 Hits
981 Hits

Time to prepare for the insects: Ready Your iSCOUT® Traps!

Have you already placed your iSCOUT® traps on the field? Insects are emerging to feast on your crops. It is best to stay vigilant and use the iSCOUT® electronic traps for the remote monitoring of the important insects that affect your fields.Dust off your traps and get your fresh glue boards!Change your sticky platesChange the camera lensClean the ...
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  1042 Hits
1042 Hits

A review of the progress made by PESSL IV

PESSL INSTRUMENTS GmbH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 38 years and has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm manage...
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  1551 Hits
1551 Hits

A review of the progress made by PESSL III

 PESSL INSTRUMENTS GmbH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 38 years and has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm ...
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  1865 Hits
1865 Hits

A review of the progress made by PESSL II

iScout installation in Italy iScout installation in Italy
PESSL INSTRUMENTS GmbH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 38 years and has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm manage...
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  2030 Hits
2030 Hits

Localization and order recognition improvement for the Japanese beetle

PESSL INSTRUMENTS GMBH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 37 years and has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm manage...
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  2585 Hits
2585 Hits

A review of the progress made by PESSL

ABOUT THE PROJECT IPM-Popillia project, funded by @EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, has started in September 2020. Our expert team, presented earlier on this blog post, has been working on a monitoring device with the aim of P. japonica detection and monitoring. The insect traps our team evolved inclu...
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  1899 Hits
1899 Hits


About Pessl Instruments GmbH Pessl Instruments GmbH has been producing reliable measuring instruments for 37 years and has developed various devices for the measurement and monitoring of different agricultural parameters, being one of the leading IoT providers for agriculture offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for more efficient farm ...
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  2971 Hits
2971 Hits