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From Twitter

14 December 2024
Pest management
Early detection of hitchhiking pests requires the identification of strategic entry points via transport. Our INRAE team has developed a framework for achieving this in continental Europe for the Japanese beetle. Human-mediated dispersal ha...
05 August 2024
Pest management
Pupils from class 2D had a good intuition! In fact, the Fungzuka device is being tested by CREA's researchers since summer 2023. The "Fungzuka" is an "Attract-Infest-Release" device that is conceived to bring adult Popillia japonica insects in c...
10 July 2024
Citizen Science
In recent months, the IPM Popillia Consortium has collaborated with SPOTTERON to create informational and dissemination materials about the invasive Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica), which has been spreading across Europe for several years. R...

Testing long-lasting insecticide-treated nets

Some years ago, when I was in Kenya to carry out a part of my PhD program on the adaptations to terrestrial life in fiddler crabs, I slept in a bed protected by an insecticide net that prevented from mosquitos' bites and related diseases. At that time I would have never thought that one day I would have used them in my research!  

 Nets as a low impact method

Indeed, one of the task of the IPM POPILLIA project in charge to CREA is to test the effectiveness of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets as a low-impact method to control P. japonica adult. This method limits the spread of chemicals over crops and requires a minimal management.

In our laboratory tests we observed that insecticide nets were very effective in killing beetles: a tarsal contact of 5 seconds between insects and net guaranteed an insect mortality ranging between 90 to 100% in base of the net used.

Attract-and-Kill devices (A&K)

To verify in the field the efficacy of the laboratory outcomes, we built attract-and-kill devices (A&K) made of the insecticide net mounted on a frame and baited with the double lure semiochemical. We tested several forms of A&Ks and measured how long the device could be considered effective over the insect's flight season. In the end we evaluated the use of A&K under certain conditions as an important tool to slow down the spread of P. japonica in infested territories.

Francesco Paoli, PhD
CREA DC: Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l'analisi dell'Economia Agraria
Centro di ricerca Difesa e Certificazione
Via di Lanciola 12/a, 50125 Firenze - Italy

Additional information can be found here: 
Paoli, F., Iovinella, I., Barbieri, F., Sciandra, C., Sabbatini Peverieri, G., Mazza, G., Torrini G, Barzanti GP, Benvenuti C, Strangi A, Bosio G, Mori E, Roversi PF & Marianelli, L. (2023). Effectiveness of field‐exposed attract‐and‐kill devices against the adults of Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): a study on duration, form and storage. Pest Management Science.

Popillia japonica documentary on SRF Wissen
Open- day at CREA

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