Servizio fitosanitario della Sezione dell’agricoltura (SFTi)

The Plant health service (Servizio fitosanitario) is the public entity responsible for enforcing all plant health issues, including control of quarantine organisms throughout the territory of the CantonTicino, the southernmost region of Switzerland bordering with Italy. Its tasks are regulated by the Swiss federal Plant Protection Ordinance. 

Being located immediately at the border of theBeing located immediately at the border of theinvasive pest’s infested zone, the Plant health service is a maincontributor in all tasks related to detection, spread, monitoringand phylogeography of P. japonica and, depending on the spread ofthe invasive pest in the upcoming years.

 Cristina Marazzi

Cristina Marazzi - Dr. Phil. Nat.

Head of the Plant health service

Role in the project: Team leader

Area of research: Entomology, detection and control of fruit-pests
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Michela Meier

Michela Meier - MSc. Biology

Scientific staff

Role in the project: Project assistant

Area of research: Entomology
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 Luca Jelmini

Luca Jelmini - MSc Biogeoscience

Scientific staff

Role in the project: Project assistant

Area of research: Entomology, neophytes
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.